Sunday Worship Order, November 1, 2020

This week is communion Sunday so come prepared with elements if you are joining us from your car or Zoom. We will have prepackaged elements for those in the sanctuary. Sunday School begins at 9pm in the Fellowship Hall (masks and social distancing) or on Zoom. Matt Davidson will lead on “God Acts: The one true God is incomparable; He will complete His plan to save His people” Isaiah 46:3-13.

Welcome, Announcements, Invocation

Children's Message

Responsive Reading

God, lead us in the way of righteousness

And help us to seek you as our true teacher.

Grant us humility to face those around us

And teach us to be servants just like Jesus.





Morning Prayer

Special Music

Scripture - Matthew 23:1-12

Sermon - Taking Off the Masks

Hymn 489, Lord, I Want to Be a Christian

