Our congregation is deeply committed to supporting our community and others in need in any way we can. GABC leads numerous outreach projects to the local community and beyond through missions projects. We welcome support in the form of time, energy, talent, love, enthusiasm, or donations. Glen Allen Baptist Church promotes missions education and ongoing missions projects such as:
community garden
GABC began work on a community garden during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020. We have 16 raised garden beds which yield produce for the Lambs Basket food pantry.
School partnership
In 2023, GABC launched a school partnership focus on three schools in our immediate area: Dumbarton Elementary School, Brookland Middle School, and Hermitage High School. We are working with the family advocates and other leaders in these schools to provide tangible expressions of love and care. We collect things from school supplies to hygiene products while also finding ways to support these schools through PTO efforts, school sports, music, mentoring programs, and more.
Handyman Ministry
As part of our church’s ministry to our members, a group of volunteers called the Handyman Ministry Team would like to offer to come to your home to shovel snow, clean gutters, rake leaves, repair minor carpentry, minor plumbing, minor electrical problems, debris removal or any other chore that you might need assistance with around your home. We have a lot of volunteers that make up this team. If you would like to volunteer to help with this ministry, please contact the church office (phone – (804) 672-6648; or email at glenallenbaptist@gmail.com) to be added to our Handyman Ministry volunteer list. Please contact the church office if you would like to have the Handyman Ministry Team assist you.
Coat drive
Annually, GABC hosts a coat drive for a local elementary school.
Thanksgiving Food Boxes
In previous years GABC has sponsored 20-30+ families with Thanksgiving Food Boxes. With each box a Thanksgiving dinner is provided to families in need during the holidays.
LAMB’s Basket Giving
“…I was hungry and you fed me.” Matthew 25:35
LAMB’s Basket aims to provide food to the needy families of Henrico County. Patrons are referred by area churches, the Central Virginia Food Bank, Catholic Charities, Henrico County Social Services, the United Way, and other organizations. GABC collects non perishable items weekly to donate to LAMB’s Basket. Donated non-perishable food can be placed on the cart outside the covered driveway at the church or in the armoire in the Welcome Center area.
Our youth are actively engaged in mission projects, particularly during the summer months. The youth spend a couple of weeks at camps designed to engage them in hands on ministry and mission to serve those around us.