Small Group Session 1 - What is Essential?

In May, we launched small groups to guide us into the next phase of church life post-COVID19. Even if you were not able to join a group, you can still pray and discern along with us. Here is the first session:

Welcome and Getting Settled

Getting Started Questions

Over the course of the last couple of months, we’ve heard a lot of discussion about what is considered “essential business.” I suspect we’ve all missed something we feel is “essential.” Talk in your group about how this time has helped you redefine the things that are most essential in your life. Have you discovered anything about what was really non-essential?

Acts 2:42-47

This is the passage from Sunday’s sermon on May 3. Luke lists 4 activities that are essential to the church: apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer.

It’s possible over the course of our time away from the church building we’ve discovered some things that are essential or non-essential to our own church life that we assumed before. When we look to the future, what should be on our “essential” list?

Is there anything we were doing before the pandemic that we’ve now realized is non-essential or may need to move to a more periphery space in church life?

What shifts will we need to make as a congregation to more faithfully model the Acts 2 church?

Spend some time in prayer with everyone who wants having an opportunity to ask for God’s guidance in living into Acts 2 faithfulness.