Reopening the Building Task Force Update

As we look ahead to the process of reopening the building safely and in the spirit of our fellowship, we have assembled a group of 9 church leaders to discuss strategies as the state makes shifts in its COVID-19 response.

At our initial meeting on May 5, we reviewed a number of documents and recommendations from denominational resources as well as gathered plans from other congregations. Based on our discussion, here is the current plan moving forward:
Phase 1: The church office and the building remain closed.
Phase 2: The office will reopen. The building remains closed for all other activities.
Phase 3: TBD, but we will be working on a plan before the end of phase 1 and share those details as they are developed.

These phases will coincide with the state phases. In all phases, worship, Sunday School, missions, and fellowship are still happening, just not inside the church building. Please call the office if you would like to obtain Sunday School materials.

Our goal is to provide the safest environment possible, given many of our church family are in high risk categories. We also recognize our responsibility to the greater community to model healthy and safe ways of care and fellowship. At this time, many uncertainties remain about the virus and its future impact. Until we have more data, we will err on the side of caution and compassion.

I know among our fellowship we have a wide variety of opinions and experiences, and I value each one. Please feel free to share your thoughts with me at any point.

In the meantime, I am profoundly grateful to be your pastor during these days. I have seen Church at its very best. You have been faithful in your attendance, your gifts, and your prayers. You have shined in your fellowship and your creativity is abounding. These are challenging days, but God's Church is still very much alive and well!

Pastor Melissa