Upcoming Calendar of Events

Here you will find an upcoming calendar of events for the next 3 weeks:

April 1 - Wednesday Night study on Understanding Holy Week

April 2 - Socially distanced Easter Egg hunt. Sign up required!

April 5 - Palm Sunday

April 7 - Youth Bible study at noon; see BJ for more info.

April 9 - Maundy Thursday
6:00pm Dinner around your kitchen tables online with church family
6:30pm Maundy Thursday worship - please have communion elements if possible

April 12 - Easter Sunday Worship, 10:30am
Flower the Cross - bring a flower to the cross in front of the church any time on Easter Sunday. Please maintain 10 people or less and appropriate 6’ social distancing.

April 14 - Youth Bible study at noon; see BJ for more info.

April 15 - Church Business Meeting, 6:30pm

April 19 - Bible Study at 9:30am and Worship at 10:30am

April 20 - Youth Bible study at noon; see BJ for more info.

April 22 - Managing our Emotions During the Coronavirus Pandemic with licensed counselor, Rev. Kristin Francisco at 6:30pm

April 27 - Youth Bible study at noon; see BJ for more info.