Sunday Worship Order, 9.20.2020

This week Esther Thompson will lead Sunday School via our worship Zoom link at 9am. Join us at 10:30am on Zoom, in person, or in the parking lot at 90.3 for worship as we talk about Jonah and his frustrations with God. Contact Pastor Melissa for a Zoom link.

There will also be a Business Meeting following worship.

Welcome and Invocation

Children's Message

Responsive Reading

God, you invite us to partner with you in the world.

Give us courage to respond in faith.  

Lead us to Nineveh when we are tempted to go to Tarshish. 

Forgive us when we are stingy with your grace.

Help us to see everyone around us as those created in your image.

Teach us to love the world as you do. Amen.  



Old Testament Reading, Psalm 145:1-8

Morning Prayer

Special Music

Sermon, "Nineveh Too?" Jonah 3:10-4:11

Hymn 586 "We've a Story to Tell"
