Sunday Worship Order, 9.13.2020

Allen Jenkins will lead Sunday School from the pavilion and Zoom at 9:00am. Don't forget, you can join us for worship in the parking lot at 90.3FM, in-person, or on the Zoom link below.

This week is also Promotion Sunday. While children won't be physically moving to another class this week, we will celebrate the spiritual formation and hard work of our teachers over the last year!

Welcome & Invocation

Promotion Sunday

Children's Message


Responsive Reading

  God, we gather for worship bringing all that we have.

  Forgive us when we are tempted to hold onto things.

  Give us courage to let go and let you be Lord of our lives.

  We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves.

  Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's.

  May we be generous with your love and grace.


Old Testament Scripture (Psalm 119:33-40) and Morning Prayer

Special Music

Sermon - Romans 14:1-12

Hymn #296 "Jesus is Lord of All"
