Sunday Worship Order, 10.4.2020

Join us this Sunday for Sunday School at 9:00am on Zoom or in the pavilion. Matt Davidson will be continuing our study on Isaiah. Contact Pastor Melissa for a link.

At 10:30, join us for worship as we hear a parable of how to treat Jesus from Matthew 21:33-46. If you are joining us online or in the parking lot at 90.3, please bring communion elements with you.

See the order of worship below...

Welcome & Invocation

Children's Message

Responsive Reading

God of all good gifts,

Thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ.

  Forgive us when we choose false religion over real relationship with your son.

Help us not to miss the face of Jesus.

And find us faithful in welcoming him in our midst.

  Teach us to be good stewards of truth and love. Amen.



Old Testament Reading (Psalm 80:7-19) & Morning Prayer

Special Music

Sermon - "How to Treat Jesus" Matthew 21:33-36

Hymn 334, "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine"

