Sunday Worship Order, 10.11.2020

Please see the order of worship below. Allen Jenkins will lead Sunday School at 9am in the pavilion and on Zoom. Worship begins at 10:30am in person, on Zoom, or in our parking lot at 90.3. If you need a Zoom link, please contact Pastor Melissa.

Welcome & Announcements


Children's Message

Responsive Reading

  God, many things demand our allegiance

  Help us to make you the one true Lord of our lives.

  Show us the things we should render to Caesar

  And help us to render our very lives to you.

  May we bear your image every day

And live out your kingdom of love and grace. Amen.

Offertory Prayer


Old Testament Reading (Psalm 96:1-9) & Morning Prayer

Special Music

Sermon - Matthew 22:15-22, "Render Unto Caesar"

Hymn 43 "This Is My Father's World"
