Sunday Worship Order, 9.6.2020

Join us at 9am on Zoom or in the pavilion as Matt Davidson leads our Sunday School lesson. Please also remember to bring communion elements this week if you are joining us via Zoom or in the parking lot. Contact Pastor Melissa for a Zoom link.

Welcome & Announcements

Meet & Greet & Invocation

Children's Message (Back to School Blessing)

Offering & Morning Prayer

Old Testament Reading

Responsive Reading

  God thank you for times of rest and vacation.

  Bless all those who start school this week.

  Watch over our families and friends.

  Teach us how to love each other wherever we go this week.

  Help us to be full of God's joy even during new adventures

  And may the world see Jesus in us.


Special Music

Sermon: Romans 13:8-14 "Armor of Light"

Hymn 368 "Here, at Your Table, Lord'

