Small Group Session 2 - From Fear to Curiosity

The month of May is dedicated to small group studies. Here is a devotion for you to do at home if you have not had a chance to join a small group.

Getting Started
What’s one of the things you fear that other people might find a little silly? (spiders, snakes, etc.?)

Pastor Melissa’s grandmother would always remind her of the verse, Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.” Other verses over time have also been a comfort. What verses provide comfort and assurance to you during times of fear?

How has Scripture helped you move beyond fear?

The fear around us has exponentially increased during these last two months from fears of getting sick to fears around the economy and many more. We live in fearful times. As you look ahead, what fears, if any, do you have about church in the future?

In “The Green Pants” story by Dr. Seuss the antidote for fear was stopping long enough to face it and explore it. When fear gives way to curiosity, new things can be cultivated.

Take some of the fears you listed above and turn them into curious questions. For example…“I’m afraid no one will come back to church.” Turn that into… “What options could we cultivate if people don’t physically show back up on Sunday morning?” or “I’m afraid we won’t ever have Wednesday night dinner again.” Turn that into… “What other options can we explore for fellowship opportunities?”

Once you’ve asked some curious questions, see what creative answers emerge. It’s okay if they are even a little bizarre or far-fetched. Remember, you’re not trying to solve anything, only dream right now. There is no silly answer!

Spend some time in prayer asking God to turn our fear into curiosity and creativity.