Reopening the Building Plan

Our Building Reopening Team met again on June 16 to assess our readiness for reopening. Here are some details to help as we move into the next phase on July 5 with in-person worship.

  • Worship begins at 10:30am in person and on Zoom.

  • We have been working to provide the safest environment possible with hand sanitizing stations and prepackaged communion cups.

  • The pews will be marked for 6' of social distancing between family units. Current sanctuary capacity with distancing is about 50-60 people.

  • Masks are required. If you forget yours, we will have extras available.

  • Singing will be very limited as studies have linked church singing to virus outbreaks.

  • Please use the Mountain Road front door entrance. Ushers will help you know where to sit.

  • Sunday School will still happen on Zoom but will move to 9am to allow enough time for folks to attend and still get to worship on time. (If you are interested in teaching, please contact Linda Davidson.)

  • We are not able to provide childcare at this time but our intern, Allie, will continue to offer Sunday School for children.

  • We will suspend the traditional Meet & Greet for now.

  • We discourage use of the elevator unless it's a necessity for mobility. Please use the side entrance nearest the elevator if you need the elevator. This will be the only other door open.

  • We strongly discourage in-person attendance for those most vulnerable to the virus.

  • We ask everyone to commit to this covenant to help keep us all safe as we move into the next phase.

  • The Fellowship Hall is available by reservation if you would like to use it for a meeting or small group with masks and 6' of social distancing. You may also reserve the pavilion for small gatherings.

  • We will continue to follow state guidelines beginning on page 32 of this document.

Thank you for your continued patience and faithfulness as we navigate uncharted waters together!