Gratitude Devotional, November 16, 2020


Devotional – Week of November 16


In the final installment of our three-week series on Grace, Generosity, and Gratitude, we shift our attention to Gratitude in preparation for Thanksgiving and Advent around the corner. I encourage you to do these studies with a group or with your family as you prepare for worship.

Today’s scripture comes from Psalm 95:1-7a. Take a moment to read the passage. Then reflect on the following questions.

The passage begins with singing praises to the Lord. Hold on, we’ll get there in a minute but let’s first uncover why they are bursting forth in song.


1)      Verses 3-5 talk about the majesty of God. Where have you seen God’s majesty manifest in creation?



2)      How does it strike you that we worship a God who can hold the depths of the earth in his hand and who formed the dry land with his hands? (v. 4, 6)



3)      We are again called into worship in verse 6 and the reason is in verse 7. What does it mean to you to be “the people of God’s pasture and the sheep of his hand?”



4)      After all these proclamations about God, the fitting response in verse 1-2 and 6 is to worship and come before God with gratitude! How do you express your gratitude towards God?


The passage compels us to lay aside our reserved notions of worship and bring to God joyful song and kneel before God. I know our worship has felt stifled to some by the lack of congregational song, so think today about your favorite song of praise to God. Find some moments maybe in your car or somewhere away from people to make a joyful noise as you sing those songs of praise to God! If you’re not bashful, invite your family to lift your voices together and make a joyful noise of gratitude for all that God is at work doing.


In preparation for worship this week, check out Ephesians 1:15-23 and think about the source of your gratitude.


Thanks for sharing in these weekly devotionals! If you have any insight from your experience, please share with me. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!