Generosity Devotional, November 9, 2020


Devotional – Week of November 9


In the second installment of our three-week series on Grace, Generosity, and Gratitude, we shift our attention to Generosity. I encourage you to do these studies with a group or with your family as you prepare for worship each week.

Today’s scripture comes from Malachi 3:6-12. Take a moment to read the passage. Then reflect on the following questions.

Several places in the Old Testament have given us a basis for understanding what a “tithe” is (Deuteronomy and Leviticus offer detailed instructions on bringing gifts to God). Malachi has set the standard for us in understanding the tithe as 10% of our income.

 1) The passage begins with “I the Lord do not change.” How does this promise and assurance affect your desire to give?


2) Verse 7 reminds the Israelites of their unfaithfulness and invites them to turn back. Where in your life have you experienced turning aside from God and how has God invited you back?


3) Malachi becomes very pointed in verse 8 when he accuses the people of “robbing God.” What are ways we might be tempted to “rob God” not just in our offerings but in other areas of our lives?


 4) Malachi asks the people to bring their full gifts to the storehouses and they will find blessing. This could lead us down a slippery path to thinking that suddenly if we give to the church, we will be blessed with an abundant blessing of a new car or fancy ring. However, blessing isn’t meant to come in those forms. How does bringing your full gifts to God provide a blessing to you?

This week in worship, we will explore Matthew 25:31-46 and its connection our understanding of generosity. After you have explored the Malachi passage and read through the Matthew passage, I encourage you to review your commitment card for 2021. What will it mean for you to bring the full tithe to God this year? Pray over God’s desires for how you will use all your gifts to serve God and bless others.