Coronavirus and Church

Dear Friends,

I recognize we live in unprecedented times with the outbreak of the coronavirus. I also know a few things for certain. The God we worship has not changed. While we have reason to stay cautious and aware, there is no reason to be in complete panic. With that in mind, here is our approach to the days ahead...

  • We will continue to be open for Sunday worship. At the same time, we will monitor recommendations from the government, as well as any particularities related to the health and safety of our own members and make adjustments as necessary. UPDATE: As of 3/15/20, we will discontinue large gatherings (Sunday and Wednesday) until further notice.

  • Please do not come to church if you are sick. We will suspend hand shaking and hugging until we are on the other side of this health crisis.

  • Wednesday Family Night Dinner and programming are canceled for March 18, 2020. We will have an online forum for Bible Study that night. Please check your email early next week for further details as we set that up.

  • Lunch a Bunch will cancel for March 17 given the precautions recommended for many in that age group.

  • Our men's group decided not to go as an official church event to the Ignite conference this weekend.

  • The Youth BBQ fundraiser has been postponed. Stay tuned for a future date.

  • Our custodian, Linda Kemp, continues to clean and disinfect areas of our church, particularly after heavy use.

I recognize some of you will feel safer for you or your family not come on Sunday. If you are unable to come, I encourage you to check out this week's bulletin. Spend some time at home walking through all parts of the service from the hymns to the Scripture to the offering opportunity to the sermon reflection. We will focus on the passage from Exodus 17 and how it applies to anxious times.

Let's also continue to check on each other. Social isolation can cause its own share of concerns, so it's important we stay connected even if it's only via electronic means.

Finally, let us join with our friends around the globe to pray for health, safety, wisdom, and a sense of calm. Let us live as people of hope and promise!

Blessings and Peace,

Melissa Fallen, Pastor