
Preschool Links and Activities

More Family Resources

Parents, as you navigate these unfamiliar waters, here are a few additional resources available:

  • NPR Comic explaining the coronavirus to kids.

  • Scholastic Classroom Magazine resource for talking to various ages about the coronavirus.

  • PBS Kids has some online resources.

  • And don’t forget the link we shared earlier in the week with weekly coloring pages.

  • If you need a laugh and a good reminder to wash your hands, here’s a fun link to sing with your kids.

What resources would you like to share? Comment below.

Also, stay tuned for some ways we will connect online in the days ahead.

Family Resources - and coloring pages for adults!

As more and more of us are staying home in the days ahead, we will dedicate some space on this blog to offer suggestions on how to navigate these days with children. Here are a few to get us started:

  • Have honest conversations with your child(ren). In the absence of information, children begin to fill in gaps. Ask your child what he or she may be most concerned about. You may find some of those fears are completely unfounded or misinformed and you can easily address them. Other concerns may be a springboard for you to talk about how your faith helps you deal with those needs.

  • Find ways to give thanks. Fear oftentimes chokes out gratitude. Talk about the things you are most grateful for!

  • We provided some children’s worship bulletins for the coming weeks in worship today. If you were not here but would like some of those, tomorrow (Monday) we will place them in the black mailbox directly outside the covered entrance closest to the pastor’s office. Feel free to take one and share with a friend.

  • Illustrated Ministry is providing a free weekly coloring page and other resources. You can sign up for that here.

  • See our post above about how you can help other families in need.

If you have other ideas for families, feel free to share them in the comments.