Summer Time at GABC

It’s summer time at GABC and we have several opportunities for you and your family to participate in the fun and learning. Check out the options below and message us if you have questions along the way.

Garden Beds

Our garden beds have taken off since 2020 and with the right growing season, we can provide several hundred pounds of fresh veggies to our neighbors in need. A great way to get children involved in helping our neighbors is through watering these beds. Here is a link to sign up for a week this summer. We also have opportunities to harvest potatoes later this summer which is a great project for digging in the dirt! On Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we deliver the food to LAMB’s Basket, a Henrico-based food bank and welcome volunteers to join us. Message us if you would like to participate in any of these ways.


Spark imagination and kick creativity into high gear at Spark Studios(TM). This summer, kids will learn that God’s creativity didn’t stop in Genesis. The Master Artist is working to redeem, reclaim, and transform us—His creation—to the design God planned for us. Kids will have fun while learning that we are God’s workmanship (Eph. 2:10) and a masterpiece in process.

We’ll have three mini sessions from 5-7pm on the following Thursdays: July 7th, 14th and 21st, followed by our VBS weekend on July 30th-31st, with a goal of kids participating in the worship service on July 31st.  Kids are welcome to come to any or all sessions that they can attend.  

To sign your child(ren) up, click here.

Summer book club for parents

We know you spend a lot of time investing in the perfect summer for your children, and we also want to provide opportunities for adult conversation and growth. This summer, we are hosting a book club for those who enjoy reading and being challenged by good conversation. Our goal is to hear each author’s perspective and offer our own thoughts on the various topics. We will gather outside in our pavilion for these groups. The schedule is below. Please contact our pastor, Melissa Fallen, if you plan to attend one or all of these and if you need childcare.

  • Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I've Loved by Kate Bowler - June 26, 4pm

  • Riff of Love: Notes on Community and Belonging by Greg Jarrell - July 31, 4pm

  • The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart by Sarah Bauer Anderson - August 28, 4pm

Pavilion and Playground time

We like to think of our space as community space. Please take advantage of our pavilion and playground throughout the summer. Bring a picnic and watch the garden beds grow! If you would like to reserve the pavilion for an event, please contact our church office.

We are also planning some family events like a group trip to Kings Dominion.

If you would like to know more about our Sunday morning offerings for children and families, please contact us here.